Coaching versus Criticism: The Tech Tea with Kimberly
Let's Talk About "IT"
Welcome to the place and space where I write about my 25+ year career as a black woman in information technology.
Have a seat and read the tea on what's happening in IT.
Digital Transformation: The Tech Tea with Kimberly
Where My Girls At? The Finale: The Tech Tea with Kimberly
Where My Girls At? Part III: The Tech Tea with Kimberly
Where My Girls At? Part II: The Tech Tea with Kimberly
Where My Girls At?: The Tech Tea with Kimberly
Employee Engagement: The Tech Tea with Kimberly
Workplace Bullying: The Tech Tea with Kimberly
Are Websites Still Relevant?: The Tech Tea With Kimberly
Say My Name: The Tech Tea with Kimberly
The Art of Relationship Building: The Tech Tea with Kimberly
Mentorship: The Tech Tea with Kimberly
"Tone Deaf" is a Real Thing: The Tech Tea with Kimberly
What To Be or Not To Be?: The Tech Tea with Kimberly
The Blog about the Blog: The Tech Tea with Kimberly