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Why Real Estate?: The Tech Tea with Kimberly

I recently announced on my LinkedIn page that I am now an affiliate real estate broker focusing on commercial real estate. I think some people were a little surprised and wondering if I have given up on tech.

Honestly, I have a few reasons to give up tech, but this career move is more about addition than subtraction. I am adding to my areas of expertise.

Adding to my knowledge bank is almost necessary considering this statistic:

In 2023: More than 141,072 workers in U.S.-based tech companies (or tech companies with a large U.S. workforce) have been laid off in mass job cuts, according to a Crunchbase News tally. In 2022: More than 93,000 jobs were slashed from public and private tech companies in the U.S.

Additionally, I get to take 28 years of tech skills into a new industry.

I still enjoy talking about tech in many different ways and participating in discussions that encourage others to jump into this dynamic field. I am also realistic about the drastic changes that can occur with any industry, so why not try something new too.

Here is one article from 2018 that I like:

Here is another:

Now, I am not one that feels she needs to explain her why, but if you are reading this, you are my Tech Tea family, so I wanted to let you know what's up.

This is not becoming a real estate only blog.

I am just making a great gumbo with my life, so stay tuned.


Recently I got to talk about "The State of Black Women in Tech" sponsored by Black Girls Code and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.. Talk about amazing! It was awesome to share the moment with some incredible tech ladies.


A few words of advice: Don't let these job market uncertainties, toxic workplaces, bad bosses, and work/life imbalances just happen to you. Take your skills and pivot if necessary.

Well, now you get a glimpse of my decision to add real estate to my portfolio. Check out my website to connect with all things Kimberly.


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Sherry Bellomo
Sherry Bellomo
May 18, 2023

Kimberly, you continue to amaze and inspire me. You are an incredible woman and a beautiful example of taking things as they come, being realistic, and pivoting when that's the right move. I wish you continued success. You are a Rock Star!!!

Kimberly Bailey
Kimberly Bailey
May 18, 2023
Replying to

Thanks Sherry!

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